Previously we discussed menstrual cycle.

Lets talk about PCOS in detail…

PCOS is short term for Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a common endocrine system disorder among females of reproductive age. Studies suggest that  2 out of 10 females suffer from this.

What is the cause of PCOS?

PCOS arises from a hormonal imbalance in the female body which causes enlarged ovaries with small cyst/fibroid in it. The exact cause of PCOS is still unrevealed. But the research says females are more prone to PCOS if their mother/sister is already suffering from it. It is a sort of genetic disorder.

What are the hormones that are responsible for PCOS?

Androgen, which is a male hormone is mainly responsible for this. A female body also produces this hormone but in this syndrome, the adrenal gland produces a higher level of androgen. The other cause for a high level of androgen is an excess level of insulin.(Insulin is a hormone that helps to convert sugar and starch into energy).

What are the symptoms?

  1. Infrequent/absent/irregular periods.
  2. Hirsutism – increased hair growth on the face, breast, and stomach.
  3. Acne/oily skin.
  4. Male pattern baldness or thinning of hair.
  5. Obesity-weight gain especially around the waist and heavy breast.
  6. Infertility- difficulty in pregnancy.
  7. Depression or anxiety.
  8. Deeper voice
  9. Pelvic pain.
  10. Diabetes type 2 or high cholesterol or increase in thyroid hormones may also be marked.
Image source - Google images
Image source – Google images

How to diagnose?

If a female goes through the symptoms or even only irregular periods, she should consult a gynecologist.
It is a common disease which is curable so every female should be aware of it and doesn’t hesitate to Consult a gynecologist.

A gynecologist will do your medical examination and check your medical history. With following tests, PCOS can be diagnosed.

  1. Physical examination to look for overweight and hair growth.
  2. Pelvic examination to check for swollen ovaries or clitoris.
  3. Blood test to check hormone levels, sugar level, and cholesterol level.
  4. A vaginal ultrasound or a low abdominal ultrasound to check the ovaries.
  5. In the case of infertility, Dr may ask for pelvic laparoscopy.

What are the treatments available for PCOS?

Albeit PCOS is still not completely curable, So the gynecologists focus more on curing the symptoms which vary from female to female.

The first line treatment for PCOS is hormonal medication which should strictly be done by consulting a gynecologist. Taking artificial hormones without any prior consultation may lead to more worse situations.

Secondary, change in lifestyle and diet may help in boosting the treatment. As obesity and depression are the most common symptoms, a healthy lifestyle which must include healthy food and proper exercises to reduce weight may help. For depression which is mainly due to high weight gain and abnormal hair growth, counseling works however, knowledge about the disease and its proper treatment is a must.

What could we do as a society?

As PCOS is very commonly found in females of young/reproductive age, we as a society should educate females about the normal menstrual cycle, PCOS and other issues related to reproductive health. We should make them feel that PCOS or any disease is not a matter of shame/embarrassment. Being a male/female companion or a friend or brother/sister or parents, we should try to talk about these things and break the taboo and spread awareness about it.

Spread knowledge,
Spread happiness.

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