Introduction to Science – NEET Chapter 1

Before starting the first chapter let’s take a glance at basics of biology.

What is science?

Science is a body of knowledge derived from observations and experiments, which are directed to determine the principles underlying what is being studied.

Steps of the scientific method

(1) Observations

(2) Formulation of hypothesis

(3) Testing of hypothesis

(4) Developing theory


To observe or notice something.

The scientific investigator keeps records or finding out answers for the questions framed by the observer.

What is observed, what is to be ignored?

A scientist needs to direct the observations that raise the questions like what, why, how.

Most important is to find the proper method of measurement and keeping the record of the data.

All the data is preserved for the future questions.

Formulation of hypothesis

It is the logical explanation that accounts for the observations. This step involves guessing or predicting a reasonable answer to a question.

Testing the hypothesis

A hypothesis test is needed. For this one must devise ways of testing. An experiment is carried out for testing one or more hypothesis. Based on the result of the experiment, elimination or confirmation of one or more hypothesis is done. This process helps one to reject the most unlikely hypothesis and select the most likely one.

A standard type of experiment is called a control experiment.

Developing Theory

If the repeated experiment to test a hypothesis of the prediction give the same result, again and again, the hypothesis gains validity. The hypothesis that survives repeated tests over a long period of time and that has central importance to an area of science, may be considered a theory.

Robert Hooke observed the presence of cellulose as early as 1665, whereas the actual living cells were observed a few years later in 1670 by Anton Von Leeuwenhoek. Hooke’s concept of the cell received the proper recognition in 1838 when a botanist carefully studied plant tissues and developed the first statement on cell theory. Following this theory, Schwann reported animal tissues in 1839. An important extension of cell theory – all living cells arise from pre-existing cells.

Biology:- The science of life

The living organisms interact with one another as well with their physical and chemical environment.

Biology (Bio – life and logos – to discover) is the science that studies living organisms.
The term biology was proposed by Lamark and Traveranus in 1802.

Some exceptions of science

  • Mature RBC of mammals lacks nucleus except for camel and Lama.
  • Normally the root of plants are positively geotropic but in mangrove plants, negatively geotropic pneumatophores are present.
  • Plant virus TMV has RNA as a genetic material instead of DNA.
  • ‘Cuscuta’ a total stem parasite is a dicot without any cotyledon.
  • Ostrich, Emu, Cassowary, and kiwi are the birds which cannot fly.
  • Duckbilled platypus and spiny anteaters lay eggs like birds but they are mammals.
  • Crocodiles and alligators are reptiles having a four-chambered heart like mammals instead of the incomplete four-chambered heart of reptiles.
  • Generally, mammals gave seven cervical vertebrates while sea cow has six and sloth have nine cervical vertebrates.
  • Fishes have gills for respiration while lungfish has alveolar soc like lungs.


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