What is difference between Left Brain and Right Brain?

human brain

There are certain imaging techniques which we refer to as neuroimaging techniques being related to the imaging of the brain. These neuroimaging techniques reveal some distinct differences (goodlier, we should call asymmetries) between the left and right hemisphere of our brain and this is called lateralization i.e. dividing the brain laterally in two parts viz. left brain and right brain.

Scientist across the globe has different belief over the working of our brain. Some scientists believe that the human brain functionality can be best explained on the basis of lateralization i.e. left and right brain works differently and communicate to each other using some sort of connection.

On the other hand, some researchers have a belief that part of the brain (i.e. left or right) which is in charge of certain operations depends upon the dominance of that part of an individual.

This brain dominance is usually predicted by whether the person is left handed or right handed. Also, by looking at the way the person is learning, it can be described best which brain is functioning, left or right.

Left Brain Characteristics and functions

Left brain in the human body is thought to be included following functions

  1. Understanding any situation and getting the bigger picture of that situation
  2. Activities which involves the movement of large muscles for e.g. Walking
  3. The balance of the body
  4. Nonverbal Communication
  5. Controlling Emotions
  6. Controlling functioning of our nose, ear and tongue i.e. sensing smell, taste, and sound.
  7. Immune system control
  8. Functions in our body which are involuntary happening i.e. breathing, digestion, heartbeat etc.
  9. Analytical and logical thinking, a person’s problem-solving skills and mathematical ability

Right Brain Characteristics and Functions

  1. It helps in understanding which is less and which is more.
  2. Processing visual shape of items
  3. Understanding verbal ambiguity
  4. When we need to give attention to something, the right brain comes into the picture.

The right and left brain are different in many ways and also from one individual to other, the working and function of a brain may differ depends upon the dominance of part of the brain. The part of the brain which is responsible for one’s language is always the one which is dominant in that individual and usually will be the opposite of the handedness of that person.

For e.g., if you are a right-handed person, the language function area of your brain will be most likely located in the left brain.

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